Make an Appointment

Around the clock access to Healthcare Professionals

Schedule appointments and talk to your healthcare professional by phone or video from your office or home

Only $30 per appointment!
No insurance required.

About us

Telaclinic was created to provide convenient, affordable healthcare to everyone. We understand the daily demands on your time and attention. Family commitments and work schedules often make it difficult to seek medical care, even when it is necessary. We are here to help.

Telaclinic makes healthcare visits easier and less stressful. Speak with a healthcare provider from your home or office or even while you're still in your pajamas. Appointments available 24 hours a day starting for less than $30. No more missing work, scrambling for babysitters, fighting traffic and exposing yourself to the illnesses of others. Just join and make an appointment.

Join Now

Common Ailments We Treat

Read our FAQs section below to see more

Start feeling better now for only $30.00

Step 1

Sign up on our website

Sign up on on our website and answer a few basic questions about you, similar to what you would fill out in an office or clinic.

Step 2

Click "Make Appointment"

Click on “Make an Appointment” and pick a time that is convenient and comfortable for you, with your choice of one of our available physicians.

Step 3

Talk to a certified healthcare provider

At the time of your selected appointment, either wait for the physician to call you, or log in to your account and click Go To on your appointment.

Step 4

Get Well

Start feeling better! Follow the recommended treatments, and if you need a prescription we will electronically send it to your favorite pharmacy.

Speak with a licensed healthcare provider in minutes

Create an account

We'll never share your email with anyone else.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't answered here, use the contact link below to submit your question.

Please contact us if you have further questions

What Patients Are Saying

Our patients love us. Read what they have said about us.

Jesse S.


“This is the first time I have ever seen a doctor on line for an illness, I am very impressed! The doctor was on time and answered all my questions. My prescription was ready at my pharmacy within one hour.”

Mike B.


“I don’t like to go to any doctor’s office if I don’t have to. I used Telaclinic’s website and saw a doctor who explained exactly what was going on and called in my medication to my pharmacy.”

Spencer J.


“My family and I were on vacation in Flordia when my 8 year old son became ill. My wife registered on Teleaclinic in 5 minutes and made an appointment with a doctor. We saw the doctor, got the diagnosis and he called in a prescription to a local pharmacy. Telaclinc saved me hundreds of dollars because we did not have to go to an urgent care. Thank you!”

Melissa J.


With 3 kids at home and work it is next to impossible for me to make an appointment at a doctors office and actually be on time. I was able to see a Telaclinic doctor on my I-Pad in my living room. The whole process was very easy and affordable. Plus I did not have to lug 3 kids to a doctors office and run the risk one of them catching something in the doctors waiting room”

Jennifer L.


“It was so nice and easy to make an appointment with the doctor and see her in my own home. Telaclinic will be my go to from now on when I am not feeling well. Thank you!

Peter V.


“I woke up on a Friday night at 2am with a severe pain in my back. I made an appointment right away with a doctor. I explained what was going on and the doctor advised me to go to the ER. I was diagnosed with kidney stones at the ER. If I had not used Telaclinic, I would have probably waited until the pain unbearable, before I went to the ER.”


9337 B Katy Freeway
Suite #131
Houston, TX 77024

Call us today



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About Telaclinic

Telaclinic is one of the oldest telemedicine providers. We were founded in 2010 by a group of doctors working with Texas Tech University Health Science Center. We provide telemedicine in primary care and specialty care. Telaclinic charges a flat rate per visit. When you schedule an appointment with a Telaclinic physician, you will pay with a credit or debit card prior to your doctor visit. All of the payments are processed though pay pal. Telaclinc does not accept insurance, cash or checks